Chin Up

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”

- Charles Dickens


Wow I can’t believe Christmas is nearly here. I also can’t believe that the last time I wrote to you was 6 months ago - in June. Without a doubt this year has been the most insane one for us. Yes we’ve had the whole COVID thing to grapple with and the most hotly-contested election in recent times, but far more than that - I’ve personally experienced dramatic and unexpected change on just about every level you can imagine. From having to move house, getting ready to move states, to shifting to a home-schooling model, to losing a best friend…and everything in between.

All these unexpected occurrences felt like their own death. There is a grieving process for each that needs to be acknowledged and worked through.

At this time when everything can look so bleak, it’s easy for me to fall into the trap of “poor me.” But seriously, what a bunch of BS. I have so much to be grateful for. And I have been through enough tidal waves of unexpected change to know that with any “death” - real or emotional or symbolic - there springs enormous opportunity. If only I can choose to see it.

It truly CAN still be the best of times. But first step is choosing to shift your perspective. It’s almost like you have to ignore outward appearances. Forget the garbage the media are saying. Forget the doom and gloom that other people are talking about. Create your own beautiful world. Seek out the good. Refuse to listen to anything negative or bad.

And most of all HAVE FAITH.

One of my most favorite passages of all time:
”Ask and it shall be given unto you
Knock and the door shall be opened.
Seek and ye shall find.”

This week keep knocking, keep asking and keep seeking. I’ll be doing the same.

Wishing you peace.

Faith, Latest PostsJulie Guest