The Power Of Your Morning Journal


One of the most helpful books I have ever read is called The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron. As a time strapped SMG, reading this book will likely be very far down on your list. It definitely was on mine. Until, that is, I was so unhappy grinding every day, and living a life of what I call “grey and white”, that I was desperate to reintroduce some color (creativity). This book has many amazing tools, and if it’s something you are drawn to, I cannot recommend it highly enough. One of the best tools, is the Morning Journal.

It might sound a bit scary. Especially if you’re not a writer. But it’s writing for no one else but yourself. And you can burn the pages afterwards. For me it’s also a way to “vomit” all my feelings/anger/fear/insecurity/whatever onto paper with zero guilt or fear of judgment. Feeling overwhelmed? Get it out on paper and list why. Then take a breath. Ask your higher power for guidance and write whatever comes into your head. It doesn’t matter how ludicrous or silly it sounds. It doesn’t matter how much you whine and moan on the pages. Just get it all out. Then take a breath.

You will be AMAZED at how much better you feel. Just make sure your morning pages are kept somewhere that little eyes, or prying eyes can’t find or read them. This gives you the freedom to be honest - and to be free. And that’s also why I recommend you burn them or spread them on a regular basis. Their purpose is not to record events in your life. But to give you an outlet to vent - with no fear of judgment or retribution. And it’s also a powerful connection to the divine. When I need guidance the first thing I do is get it all out on paper. I ask for help, I keep writing. And by the time I’m done, I have a clear idea of what my next step should be. You don’t have to write for long. It can be for 10 minutes or 30 minutes. I find first thing in the morning is best, but it works at ANY time.

Try it. You will be amazed at how it will transform your life :)